Enlighting The Path-Ways Towards Humanity
Ms. Debika Deori
Assistant Professor
Swahid Peoli Phukan College
Namti Chariali, Sibsagar
Powering the human-mankind,
Leading to the backlashes of supremacy.
Forcing the little one’s mind to democracy,
Neither understanding the spirituality.
Races are being racism,
Following the pathways of sinfulness.
“O Almighty showers yours blessing….
As thoughts to cultivate our Mind,
As devotees to clean our Aura,
As self-power to reunite our Soul,
As stronger to protect from the Physical World”
Nurturing all the musing,
Pondering the deviation nuances.
Humanity are sailing on a shore,
Wandering the fruits on plates.
Lighting appears with brightness,
Follow by thunderstorms of soundness.
Souls are purify with morality,
“Only If We Enlighting The Path-Ways Towards Humanity”