Value Education and it’s Different Aspects

Leela Das
Associate Professor
Dept. Of Education,
D.R College, Golaghat
Ph.No : 9707625574 / 8638603795
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     The term “value” has different meaning. It is a generic term understood for multiple shades of meaning. Value is equated with virtue, ideals of life, morality, good character, religious ideals and contemporary issues and problems. A comprehensive and largely agreed upon definitions cannot be possible. Many pursue value to be time, space and situation specific; to others there are Universal in nature Values are Personnel beliefs  which are Deep rooted beliefs that we believe are right and wrong, moral or immoral, good or bad and desirable or undesirable. Values are also known as standards or norms. What is important in life can be define values. M.T. Ramji has painted out“ A value is what is designed or what is sought. Values may be operationally conceived as those guiding principles of life which are conducive to one’s physical and mental health as well as to social welfare and adjustment and which are in true with one’s culture’’. 

                Value education is the process of fostering essential values and morals in individuals in order to help them develop a strong character and become responsible members of society. It is a holistic approach than encompasses an individual’s cognitive, affective and behavioral aspects in order to develop   their personal, social and moral values. There are some key objectives of value education. They are-instilling values, build character, fostering critical thinking, promote social harmony etc. Value education is a process by which individuals are taught the values that are considered important in life. Some of the key reasons for the importance of value education are-promote moral development, foster empathy and compassion, encourage critical thinking, builds character etc. Values are also many types. They are personal, spiritual, social, cultural, environmental, subjective, objective, intrinsic, instrumental etc. Moreover there are some components of value education also. They are character education, health education, social education etc. Value education is a critical aspect of personal and societal growth that aims to inculcate desirable moral and ethical values in individuals. Some of the guidelines that ensure value education are inclusivity, universal, applicability, relevance, rationality etc. Thus there are many aspects that include in value education.    

  1. Objective of the study:

The objectives of this study are as follows-

2.1 To know the meaning of value education.

2.2 To know the objectives of value education.

2.3 To know the need and importance of value education.

2.4 To know the types of value education.

2.5 To know the factors of value education.

2.6 Finally, to know the role value education.

  1. Methodology of the study:

This study belongs to descriptive study method. Data are collected from different secondary sources like books, journal, electronic media etc. 

  1. Main theme of the study:

According to the objectives, value education on can be studied in to some theme. They may be divided as follows-

4.1 Meaning of Value education: The term “Value” has a multiple shades of meaning. Value is equated with virtue, perfection, ideals of life, morality , good character, conduct, religious ideas and rituals etc. Largely agreed definition of values cannot be possible. Because its related to time, space and situation. So values are personal beliefs which are deep rooted in our life that may be right and wrong, moral and immoral, good or bad, desirable and undesirable. Values are also known as standards or norms. On the other hand, value education is the process of fostering essential values and morals in individuals in order to help them develop strong character and become responsible members of societies. It is a holistic approach that encompasses on individual’s cognitive, affective and behavior aspect to develop their personal, social and moral values. It is an important aspect of education that focuses on developing moral and ethical values in students. It aims to help students understand and appreciate the importance of honesty, responsibility, kindness, respect, sympathy and other virtues which are essential for leading a fullfledged and meaningful life. Value education involves teaching fundamental principles such as respect ,honesty, empathy, responsibility, compassion and integrity among others. These are also important for a person’s personal and professional development. It also helps in the formation of beliefs, attitudes, behavior patterns for better social change and society. Individuals must learn these values at a young age in order to become responsible and ethical members of society.    

4.2 Objectives of value education: Value education seeks to provide every individual with the knowledge and skills needed to make ethical and responsible choices and decisions throughout their life. It helps people understand right or wrong and teaches them to follow throughout the consequences of their actions. This enable a person to form good character and develop into a will rounded, mature adult. Here , we can mentioned some of the key objectives of value education.


4.2. 1 The primary objective of value education in to instill essential values of the individuals such as honesty, integrity respect, empathy, responsibility and compassion.

4.2.2 The goal of value education is to help people build strong character based on moral principles and become responsible, accountable citizens.

4.2.3  Value education in encourage people to think critically and reflect on their actions and beliefs. Critical thinking helps them make better decisions and solve problems in a constructiveway.

4.2.4 Value education aims to promote social solidarity by encouraging individuals to work together to build a better society.

4.2.5 Another objective of value education in to cultivate positive behavior of individuals, by promoting ethical values like honesty, responsibility and empathy.

4.2.6 Value education also aim to assist individuals in achieving personal growth and development by instilling in them a sense of self-awareness, self esteem and self worth.

4.3 Need and importance of value education:

The main function of education is the development of an all round and well balanced personality of the students. But now a days more emphases is unduly laid on knowledge based education which take care of only the intellectual development of the child. Consequently ,the other aspects of their personality like physical, emotional, social and spiritual are not properly developed by providing for the growth of attitudes, habits, values, skills and interest among the pupils. Modern age of science and technology has created certain evils like industrialism, mechanism, materialism. In spite of spectacular achievements in science man is not happy and contented. In the midst of material prosperity, a large section of the humanity is under grip of poverty, immorality and corruption. Such unsatisfactory situations have arisen due to crisis of values and character. Inculcation of desirable value education is felt essential for finding out the problems. Thus the importance of value education can be stated as fellow-

4.3.1  Value education plays a great role in the moral development of individuals.

4.3.2  Value education can help individuals develop empathy and compassion for others.

4.3.3 Value education can help individuals become more open minded to make proper  decision.

4.3.4 Value education can also help individual build character. Value education can help individuals develop strong character traits that will serve them well throughout their   lives.

4.3.5 Value education can also contribute to over all well-being.

4.4 Types of value education:

 Values are divided into two types i) Subjective or internal ii)objective or external. Subjective or internal values are biological and psychological in origin. It states by the desire and wants of the students. on the other hand some educationist regard educational values as internal and objective. According to this value personal desire may be an important element of educational value, but objective values are independent of such desire. Values may be again divided into (i) instrumental and (ii) intrinsic values. The instrumental values are values which are judged good for something, i.e. values are depended on consequences or the out comes. On the otherhand , intrinsic values are interest in the objects, not imposed or applied by outside agencies. 

                   There are also some other types of values. They are- aesthetic, educational, personal, spiritual ,social, cultural and environmental etc. Personal value focuses on developing a person’s personal values and qualities. Social values education give importance of social values and responsibilities. Spiritual values education is concerned with the development of a person’s spiritual values and beliefs such as compassion, forgiveness, gratitude and inner peace. Cultural value education emphasis the significance of cultural diversity, heritage and identity.Environmental value education emphasis the significance of environmental awareness and sustainability.

4.5 Factors of value education:

There are so many factors of value education. They are-

4.5.1 Character education: character education should be started at an early age which will help the child to have good character in the future.

4.5.2 Health education: Health education covers all aspect of physical and mental from an  early age. It includes hygiene, nutrition, growthand development disease and more.

4.5.3 Social education: Social education teaches children how to interact with other people positively. 

4.5.4 Environmental education: Environmental education teaches people to be environmentally responsible. It teaches children how to respect nature and beauty.

4.5.5 Financial education: Financial education teach kids to be financially responsible.

4.6 Role of value education:

The aims of value education is to provide individuals with  knowledge, skills and attitudes to become a responsible members of society. Some of  the roles of value education are as follows- 

4.6.1 Teaching individuals importance of virtues such as honesty, integrity etc.

4.6.2 Develop critical thinking and problem solving skills.

4.6.3 Opportunities to individuals to reflect their own values and beliefs.

4.6.4 Respect for diversity and inclusion.

4.6.5 Sense of responsibility and accountability for one’s action.

4.6.6 Promote community service.

4.6.7 Create a supportive learning environment.

  1. Conclusion :

After analysis the different aspects of value education it can be conclude that value education is an important aspect for different types of development i.e, personal , social, emotional mental etc. It focuses and promote different valuable value in our life. By this one individual can become a responsible and ethical members of society. Emphasizing the development of personal values and virtues, value education can help individuals lead a more fruitful and meaningful life.  


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