Value Education:A Synthetic Approach for Civilization

Dr. Monsoon Hatibarua
Associate Professor
Department of Education
Duliajan College, Dibrugarh


             The set of individual’s conceptions which had to the possession of specific qualities as desired goals of the life have a bearing on the cognitive and affective domain of the individual and act as the frame of reference for the individual’s behaviour inthe community/society. Though, the values of individuals constitute the value system of the city, conceptually, there tends to be a difference between individual values and societal value systems because of the varied social, economical and political dimensions. Individual values and societal values are seldom static. Institutions have to stay in a society and at the same time play a proactive role, by making the society to accept/ acquire new or left-out values in relation to time,space, maturity of circumstances.

Objectives of the study

The objective of this study is to know the innatenecessity of a man and­ social structure, which is caused by the man’sparticipation in the process of value realization for a enriching civilization.

Importance of Value Education

Values standardise different modes ofbehaviour along a continuum-from the most desired to the least desired and also the undesired, which may be explicit or implicit and there may be asignificant gap between the ultimate and the a proximate values. In proximate terms the choices may be situational and pragmatic, although they may be at variance from the ultimate desired action o that may continue to be articulated and cherishedand form a part of the cognitive universe and d encompass within them universal as well asevaluative elements. Some values may be universal to a society, others may be specific to particular groups and categories. For a country of India’scultural heterogeneity, social complexity, economic Inequalities, and ideological differentiation, unanimity in respect of all values is neither possible, nor perhaps desirable.

Values rooted in personal belief can be left out of consideration so long as they do not clash with national and social values that need to be promoted. The autonomous individual is an active individual. The consciousness of individuals should be extended to critically examine the goings on in a society and to judge the rights and wrongs of a The fact has to be appreciated that individually held values get directly or indirectly, consciously or subconsciously, projected in their respective walks of life.

Importance of Core Values

Knowledge has to be considered at the core of technology development. Several kinds/forms of knowledge, including technical knowledge, knowledge of attributes (especially quality), knowledge pertaining to context, knowing how to learn and knowing how to marshal knowledge for all by way of ensuring a faith in social justice would be required to be integrated for initiating and maintaining reforms and would also necessitate debunking all discriminatory practices based on ethnicity or caste/creed/religion/region or gender.The gospel of egalitarianism shall mean much more nan mouthing some high minded slogans-an attitude of caring for and sharing with the deprived and the under privileged would be needed to be included.

Academia and the Operating Cultural Environment

A propitious climate for true academic growth shall require freedom of enquiry. The operating culture of academic life, when burdened with authoritarian management and bureaucratic procedures, inhibits the growth of ideas and corrodes the cultivation of excellence, which is thecentral value of intellectual growth. At the sametime the freedom can not divert itself from socialresponsibility. Great spurts in knowledge requireconcentration of ideas and collaboration of efforts.The contribution of lone workers has not beeninsignificant but major breakthrough in the present take of knowledge will be possible if and when teams pursue problems in a challenging but harmonious working relationship. This shall bring the society a synthesis of two important values- one of freedom of enquiry, and the second of fostering a true team spirit for the attainment of not only the stipulated scientific values but also a sense of contentment and satisfaction in theprofessional life.

Polarizing Values

Values are basic beliefs that underpin the way we think, feel and respond to things happening in the outer world. They are basic orientations to the way things are or should be; they reflect preferences for outcomes and are accepted as most desirable and right option exercised. As values enable a link to be established between society, culture and with the individual, it can be said that people’s values systems are formed and shaped, to a large extent, by the prevailing cultural norms and values in society at large. Culture influences the organization of social activities by affecting meaning to changing technology and economic activities, while values themselves tend to remain stable at the core of cultural foundations (Brown and Chatterjee, 1999).

Values are regarded as standards and patterns of choice which one feels/considers important and develops as a positive conviction that guide persons and serve as the authorities in the name of whichchoices are made and actions are taken for getting satisfaction, fulfilment and meaning. A value is just like other developments, a state of mind, a mental deposition, an attitude or an emotionalized state of the mind towards some Idea, tiling or tradition carrying positive and negative charges within itself (Rani, 2000). Values may also be described as a system of personality traits which are in harmony with the inner nature of an individual and whichare in accordance with the values approved by the society (Shetty and Pushpanadham, 2000).

The Gandhian Value System

Gandhi, who had a tremendous faith in non- violence (Ahimsa) believed that all training without the culture of the spirit of non- use. He emphasizeds for the value system which accordsimportance to the culture of heart and develop of character which he keeps above and also emphasized for the component of character building l opined that end of all education and all raining should be man making.

Understanding Values: A Synthetic Approach

Conceiving the fact that human being is notonly a biological enti1ty developed from aprotoplasmic mass rather the same is a complex combination of body, mind, spirit, emotions, feelings etc. Values may be perceived as those orientations/conceptions/beliefs which emerge in the psychological domain of the total personality of a human being in the state of crystallization ofa product of fusion of intellect and emotion. Thisfusion works for interconnectedness for establishing a vital link between society and individual through the cultural bonds in order toexplore new vistas of human consciousness. Thecatalysing force for this conceptualization is the attitude of interiorization which results into the overall satisfaction of the psychological drive, which emerges into a prototype in regards of decisions, pertaining to choose the best alternatives as choices, either explicit or implicit, and ultimately develops into a frame or reference not only for understanding behaviour but also as an Indicator of self-knowledge.

Value: An imperative necessity for shaping the destiny

After two world wars and the end of the cold to the foundations of communism and colonialismand in the era of globalization humanity has entered a newand liberalizationphase of its history. The social disarray of the nations, the disregard for justice which pushes citizens to margin, is eluding peace and bringing agony on the globe. The commitment for ensuring a culture of non-violence, respect, justice and peace and an affirmation that a common set of core values is essential in order to appreciate that we all are interdependent is such a truth which has to be lived in heart and action.

There exists a consensus among all religions which can be the basis for a global value system-a minimal fundamental consensus concerning binding of all values which are, in deed, the irrevocablestandards and fundamental moral attitudes. There isa need to emphasize for a value system in all walks of life, which can dismantle mutual arrogance,mistrust, prejudice, and even hostile images and can offer a fundamental sense of trust and prepare aground of meaning ultimate standards of credibility and create a spiritual home.


The great foundations of richest value system of India, propounded by ancient sages, who relentlessly sought after the highest integral knowledge and perfection, have exhibited India’s distinctness. Our culture has always stood for universality and common fraternity of the entire human race,and our aspirations are  especially in the educational field in creating strengthening and developing a national system that should be geared to the highest ideals of universal peace, unity and harmony. Our rich value system has recognized education not only as a liberatin8 force but also as an evolutionary force which enables the individual to rise from mere materiality to superior planes of intellectual and spiritual consciousness. Education, in Indian ethos, has emerged as a dialogue between the past, present and the future so that the coming generations receive the accumulated lessons of heritage and transmit it to future generations.


  Brown M.I. and Chatterjee, S. 1999. The Relevance of theGuna Theory in the congruence of Eastern Values antiWestern Management Practice, Journal of Human values, 5:2, pp 93-102.

  1. Rani, Seema, 2000. Approaches to Values Education and theRole of the School and the Curriculum; Value Education inIndia, Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi, pp. 44 51.
  2. Shetty, A. and Pushpanadham, K. 2000. Valuing Values;Value Education in India; Association of India Universities,New Delhi, pp. 95-100.
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