“The Perfect Breakfast”

Dr. Anindita Dey
Associate Professor, 
Department of English
Debraj Roy College,
Golaghat, Assam
Email: aninditad07@gmail.com


He asked her, lavishing through,

A bowl of cereal, “How do you make it?”

“Your cereals taste like Dessert”….

She enquired, “who do you want to serve?’

“Myself someday,” he said nonchalantly.

She smiled wryly….fighting the upsurge

Within her hidden self that nobody knows.

She thought furtively….how she transformed

Painfully yet magically….

The frequent derision, sarcasm, neglect

And the bag of ingratitude into

Sweet blueberries, blackberries

And blackcurrants to perfect the breakfast.

Every quiet morning, she dished this healthful,

Delish, desserty cereal quietly, for him,

Wringing her bleeding soul.


Taken and rejected each day,

That’s the irony of her life.

The semblance of an Oasis,

But a Desert within!

Unappreciated for everything,

Love is the biggest gambler.

Faked of being loved,

Never ever for the soul….

Only the flesh means anything

To anybody.


Serving tea with a radiant smile

A mandatory morning ritual

That overrides her blasted soul

And conceals the gloomy-grey mind.

Planning through the chores,

She prioritizes everyone’s choice

Though has none to choose from.

As if a victim to a decree….

 Passed years ago….

When she was made to lose her Self!

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